The Cides The Cides

There is something not quite right about the recent tragic events in Israel

Israel is recognised as having the most advanced surveillance system in the world along its borders with Gaza and the Palestinian Territories. How on earth did 'terrorists' with wire cutters and a bulldozer breach these formidable defences?

A former senior officer with the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) is reported as commenting: “This (non-detection) is simply not possible. There had to be either a coincidental sudden total systems failure or those on watch were told to look the other way.”

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Paul Hayward Paul Hayward

Is it a battle of trust between old and new media?

Some time ago I wrote an article describing a technique that  'the authorities' use when someone with integrity in the public eye challenges their stories.

The truth puts them on the defensive and rather than risk having an open debate where their lies risk being exposed, their opponents are slandered, and branded as anti-Semitic, racist or xyz-phobic.

Another technique is to dig up something about their opponent’s past behaviour and pay top lawyers millions of $$$$ to build a case to destroy them. I believe this could be what is happening to Russell Brand.

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Paul Hayward Paul Hayward

No to Transhumanism!

There seems to be a lot of interest even excitement about 'the gain function' humans will enjoy by embracing Transhumanism.

It seems to be awash with benefits. From enabling the blind to see again to acquiring Jason Bourne-like superpowers, but is there a downside?

Yes, a big one!

The science requires a Transhuman Neural Chip (TNC) to be placed in the brain, itself a computer, that enables computational and wireless communication capabilities.

The technology is amazing: imagine all the functionality you enjoy from your mobile phone and more without the phone, charge cables and endless passwords. Launch an app by just thinking about it. But how will these two 'computers' work with each other?

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Paul Hayward Paul Hayward

What are they putting in the drinking water that makes us tolerate paying for the royal family?

The Coronation reminds me how much I despise the so-called 'Royals, especially Charles. The cost of the Coronation is about £100 million and we, the people, will be paying for it. The Queen Mother’s ceremonial funeral reportedly cost the taxpayer £5.4 million Queen Elizabeth’s came in at around £14 million.

We are threatened with climate change and 15-minute cities while the 'royals' still ride around in Rolls-Royces, Aston Martins, helicopters and private jets.

Did you know the landed estates in England and Wales, which the 'royals' have stolen from the people over the last 600 years, bring in a nice £40 million pounds annually for Charles?

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The Cides The Cides

Is the house of cards about to collapse?

A team led by Judge Pascal Najadi has served an emergency injunction and tribunal order to the WHO and many other worldwide criminal defendants to immediately cease and desist a criminal conspiracy to commit war crimes, genocide, crimes against humanity.

The claimants are using the jurisdiction of Common Law, Natural Law and Treaty Law, such as the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and other civic laws and indigenous standards laws. The law of the land has enabled the team to also serve all Constitutional Law enforcement officers worldwide, starting from Interpol, in each of the 194 member nations ordering these governmental agencies to carry out their duties to arrest and incarcerate these criminal co-defendants involved in the unlawful and Genocidal acts in connection with the WHO Pandemic preparedness response and changes to the international health regulations. These co-defendants include UK perpetrators, King Charles III, Boris Johnson and Matt Hancock.

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The Cides The Cides

The Magna Carta

Magna Carta, meaning ‘The Great Charter’, is one of the most famous documents in the world. Originally issued by King John of England (r. 1199–1216) as a practical solution to the political crisis he faced in 1215, Magna Carta established for the first time the principle that everybody, including the king, was subject to the law.

Most of the clauses within the charter granted by King John dealt with specific grievances relating to his rule. However, buried within them were a number of fundamental values that both challenged the autocracy of the king and proved highly adaptable in future centuries. Most famously, the 39th clause gave all ‘free men’ the right to justice and a fair trial.

Some of Magna Carta’s core principles are echoed in the United States Bill of Rights (1791) and in many other constitutional documents around the world, as well as in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (1948) and the European Convention on Human Rights (1950).

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The Cides The Cides

Emma Goldman - a true anarchist

This International Women’s Day we’d like to give a shout-out to Emma Goldman, the radical anarchist immigrant who fought against the tyranny of capitalism and promoted full equality for women.

Emma was particularly drawn to the idea of anarchism. She believed that human nature was inherently good and that people would naturally organize communities around common interests. She saw government systems as creating unnecessary competition among well-meaning individuals. Anarchists also believed that with the destruction of the capitalist-driven government, everyone would be equal regardless of gender or race. Emma, however, departed from this part of the ideology. She argued that women needed to advocate for their emancipation from men. It was this belief that made her a specific champion of women’s rights.

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Paul Paul

World Evil Forum

Today the World Economic Forum (or more accurately The World Evil Forum) in Davos kicks off its 2023 meeting. Last year one of their headline decisions was 'you (the people) will own nothing and be happy'. I wonder what their definition of 'happy' is. I’ll be interested to see what gems they come up with this year!

Every year some very old friends invite me to ski in Davos the week before WEF, before the price of accommodation rockets! I haven't been for years but decided to go this year as I wanted to make a statement about how bad the WEF situation has got. I had a poster designed, got it printed and plastered it up around the town when I was there.

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The Cides The Cides

Christmas – not always merry

Christmas can be a very difficult time for children suffering abuse and neglect.

Since the beginning of the first lockdown, the average number of contacts made to the NSPCC’s helpline about abuse escalated. The level of concern about emotional abuse, neglect, and physical abuse remains well above the pre-pandemic average. Figures show that the number of contacts from people concerned about child abuse is 43% higher than before the first lockdown.

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The Cides The Cides

Oncologist Dr. Angus Dalgleish is seeing a rapid progression of stable cancer after covid-19 booster

Dr. Angus Dalgleish is a Professor of Oncology at St George’s, University of London. Here we publish a copy of the letter he wrote to Dr. Kamran Abbasi, the Editor in Chief of the British Medical Journal. It was written in support of a colleague’s plea to Dr. Abbasi that the BMJ make valid informed consent for Covid vaccination a priority topic.

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