Red Light Situation

It’s time to take back power we have surrendered to 'governments' who have ceased to make decisions in our best interests.

Whatever you believe about the origins of Covid and the vaxigenation programme, it all amounts to more fear and more control. As we were all born, we're all going to die - don't fear it. “Get a life, get a death, but fuck get out of the cage!

Anyone who has ever been to, or witnessed a protest, in the UK knows that the police are not there acting as neutral facilitators of democratic rights. Nonetheless, the already illiberal police powers were further extended under cover of COVID and the strict lockdown laws. The government’s pursuit of power and control resulted in increasing attempts to suppress, and censor dissenting voices and deter protests by using aggressive tactics and arrests of protesters who were simply exercising their rights.

However, under cover of COVID the police have violated our rights set out in the European Court of Human Rights –( ECHR) Articles 9, 10 and 11 which protect the right to manifest a religion or belief, to freedom of expression and to freedom of assembly and association respectively. Together, these Articles form the basis of an individual’s right to participate in peaceful protest. In particular, the ECHR Article 11 protects the right to protest in a peaceful way including static protests, marches, parades and processions, demonstrations and rallies.

The Cides believe that the Police, Crime and sentencing Bill will give the police an unwarranted and dangerous level of control. Through the government’s push for more control and power, the police are being utilised to silence dissenting voices and criminalise non-criminal acts. Protests are democratic and are a human right. The consequences of preventing them could result in a dictatorship and tyrannical governance.


This track is free to download, but if you fancy supporting us you can buy us a beer – cheers!

Is the police bill a step further towards tyranny?

The Cides believe that the Police, Crime and sentencing Bill will give the police an unwarranted and dangerous level of control. Through the government’s push for more control and power, the police are being utilised to silence dissenting voices and criminalise non-criminal acts. Protests are democratic and are a human right. The consequences of preventing them could result in a dictatorship and tyrannical governance.


The Cides stand in solidarity with Bristol Anarchist Black Cross and are proud to be able to assist them financially in the amazing work they are doing to support those imprisoned as a result of their actions in the Kill the Bill Protests. The Cides will donate the first £1,000 of receipts from ‘Red Light Situation’ to support Bristol Anarchist Black Cross, a prisoner support group based in Paul has already made personal donations and has applied to become a Prisoner Sponsor. Paul has made personal donations and has applied to become a Prisoner Sponsor.

Bristol ABC’s major focus right now is supporting people sentenced to prison after the Kill The Bill protests in Bristol in March 2021. You can find the list of Kill The Bill prisoners here.



Bristol Anarchist Black Cross is a prisoner support group based in Bristol, in the west country of England. They are a proud member of a global network of Anarchist Black Cross groups working to support prisoners worldwide since 1905.

They offer material, emotional and financial support to prisoners both nationally and internationally. Through their actions they aim to build bridges between inside and outside and center the needs of the prisoner at all times. They are strong advocates for the abolition of prisons in all it’s forms as well as the white supremacist, capitalist society that prisons prop up. They see prisoner support as an instrinsically political activity that should be central to any wider struggle against the state.

They offer unconditional but not uncritical support for prisoners. They maintain their own principles and beliefs, and recognise that they might differ from the views of people inside they connect with. Where possible they put aside these differences and continue to offer support whilst also being honest about their views. They recognise that most people are in prison because of actions taken whilst navigating a grossly unequal, racialised and class ridden society.