Feeling Lucky

This is a song about people toeing the line and risking serious damage to their health, sometimes with devastating consequences.

Dopamine. The Dr Feelgood reward centre in the brain. It gets triggered when you take a risk and come-up-trumps  – whether that’s gambling, base jumping or looking for a high from recreational drugs.

Experimental vaccine shots from big pharma? Their own data recently released proves that certain batches are 3,000 times more likely to give you serious side effects than others. A big risk and no Dr Feelgood reward.

Feeling Lucky takes me back to my punk roots: simple bass, drums and guitar – foot on the gas pedal all the way through.


This track is free to download, but if you fancy supporting us you can buy us a beer – cheers!

It’s Time to Take Back our Sovereignty and Constitutional Authority

The Silent War is a war we never knowingly entered into, a war between authoritarianism and the individual, which began when our government began to serve the cabalistic shadow government and created legislation at their bequest. The population has been subjected to totalitarian policies that were enforced under the guise of emergency COVID measures including mask and vaccine mandates and lockdowns. These measures were not only unnecessary but quickly proved detrimental to the health and wellbeing of the people who had no say in their enforcement. This, however, was our preparation and a little taster of the authoritarian rule that our infiltrated government has in store for us. Our government has been able to assess the people’s response to the “end game” - a one world governance in a “New World Order.”


The Cides stand in solidarity with CoviLeaks, based in the UK and Founded by Fiona Hine in June 2020, was born in response to mainstream media propaganda and government misinformation surrounding the COVID-19 'pandemic'.

They believe that the lockdown has had catastrophic consequences leading to excess deaths, poverty and severe economic damage and that the lockdown and Coronavirus Legislation was wholly disproportionate and an offence on our human rights and civil liberties. They continue to fight for justice for those who have suffered and against further attacks on our Freedom.

Like us they strongly believe the 'vaccine' has not been proven safe or effective, is harming millions and for some, it has been fatal.

They fight for our freedoms through action in our communities, to seek the truth and to provide the truth. You can help them continue this work by going to their site and donating.